

Make a Donation

Our Purpose

  1. To love, honor, and celebrate the wolf as sacred and our closest kin (paying respect to Native and like-minded Western populations who cherish the wolf as a totem)
  2. To protect and nurture wild wolves (canis lupus) and domesticated wolves (canis lupus familiaris) through education (in service to local peoples of Colorado) and land preservation (preserving public and private lands through conservation leases for wildlife habitats (including habitats for deer, elk, rabbits, foxes, and wolves)
  3. To donate to the proper care of canids in the State of Colorado (in service to sick or disabled dog owners, neglected or malnourished dogs, and wildlife sanctuaries)

Our Mission

  • To love, honor, and protect the wolf and domesticated wolves (aka dogs) as our closest kin and greatest teachers
  • Respect the guidance and wisdom of the wolf in our daily lives
  • Preserve habitats for wolves and other commensurate wildlife.
  • Note: “Dogs,” genetically 99.9% the same as wolves, are “wolves” who have been domesticated in the Western world. Any advocacy for the welfare of wild wolves, in general, must also include a care for the well-being of their domesticated brothers (dogs).

Our Goals

  • Bring together a tribe of people who care for wild and domesticated wolves as family, as totems
  • Share the spiritual wisdom and medicine of the wolf through gatherings, speakers, films, books, and news articles
  • Lease public or private wild lands in Colorado for wild wolves with ideal habitats free from the intrusion of cows or other domestic animals.
  • Encourage the symbiotic coexistence of humans with wild wolves, particularly in Colorado
  • Restore wolf populations to their appropriate carrying capacity of designated areas of Colorado–areas free from human poachers and the encroachment of civilization
  • Encourage political action through contact to state and federal senators and representatives to end the practices of snaring, shooting, or any other manner of hunting wolves.
  • Support partner organizations who equally respect and love wild and domesticated wolves
  • Foster authentic intimacy and connection of humans with domesticated wolves
  • Help provide domesticated wolves with healthy homes, outdoor play, sufficient exercise, unprocessed foods, and canine friends
  • Re-home and pay for temporary or permanent placement of domesticated wolves of sick, dying, or absentee owners in healthy homes instead of a shelter
Honor & Respect

The Sacred Wolf 

The Sacred Wolf Foundation honors the wolf as our nearest kin and greatest teacher. Join our tribe of wolf lovers to share in the wisdom and medicine of these incredible creatures. Through gatherings, speakers, films, books, and news articles, we bring the spiritual connection with wolves to life. Help us protect and preserve wolves and dogs by donating today. Together, we can make a difference and be a part of the Sacred Wolf family.
Habitat & Restoration

Preserving the Land

Our mission is to lease public and/or private wild lands in Colorado with ideal habitats for wolves, free from the intrusion of cows or other domestic animals. By creating a space that encourages the symbiotic coexistence of humans with wild wolves, we aim to restore wolf populations to their appropriate carrying capacity in designated areas of Colorado. In these areas, human poachers and the encroachment of civilization are kept at bay, allowing wolves to thrive. 


Domesticated Wolves

The Sacred Wolf Foundation is dedicated to ensuring that domesticated wolves (dogs) find safe and loving homes where they can enjoy abundant outdoor playtime, regular exercise, nutritious unprocessed meals, and the companionship of fellow canines. Additionally, we strive to assist in rehoming domesticated wolves owned by sick, dying, or absentee owners, covering all associated expenses, and placing them in caring homes instead of shelters.

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