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Sacred Wolf Foundation Habitat Protection
Problem: A small number of wolves were reintroduced to Colorado in 2023; since then, conflicts with livestock and humans have increased…including many depredation incidents. See depredation incidents...
Birth of rare white buffalo calf in Yellowstone park fulfills Lakota prophecy
Image © Provided by The Associated Press The reported birth of a rare white buffalo in Yellowstone National Park fulfills a Lakota prophecy that portends better times, according to members of the American Indian tribe who cautioned that it’s also a signal that...
What’s behind the resistance to wolves in Colorado?
FEAR OF LOSS - STATISTICS For cattle and calves, the total combined head in each of the 4 states was the following (data from 2015): Colorado: 3.35 million Non-predatory losses: 58,840 cattle and 51,080 calves Predatory losses: 1,160 cattle and 3,920 calves Killed by...
Lawsuit Demands BLM Step Up Range Health Protections
Agency Let Go of Oversight Reins on 155-Million Acre Livestock Program Washington, DC — A federal lawsuit filed today faults the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for its widespread delinquency in assessing environmental conditions and addressing resource damage...
Colorado Parks and Wildlife successfully completes gray wolf capture work in Oregon
Today, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) experts completed capture work in Oregon, finishing their work in the state. As a result of the CPW team’s work in Oregon, the agency released a total of 10 gray wolves onto state-owned public land in Summit and Grand counties,...