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Sacred Wolf Foundation Habitat Protection

Sacred Wolf Foundation Habitat Protection

Problem: A small number of wolves were reintroduced to Colorado in 2023; since then, conflicts with livestock and humans have increased…including many depredation incidents. See depredation incidents...

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What’s behind the resistance to wolves in Colorado?

What’s behind the resistance to wolves in Colorado?

FEAR OF LOSS - STATISTICS For cattle and calves, the total combined head in each of the 4 states was the following (data from 2015): Colorado: 3.35 million Non-predatory losses: 58,840 cattle and 51,080 calves Predatory losses: 1,160 cattle and 3,920 calves Killed by...

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Lawsuit Demands BLM Step Up Range Health Protections

Lawsuit Demands BLM Step Up Range Health Protections

Agency Let Go of Oversight Reins on 155-Million Acre Livestock Program Washington, DC — A federal lawsuit filed today faults the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for its widespread delinquency in assessing environmental conditions and addressing resource damage...

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