Wild Wolf Habitat
Preserving the Land for the wild
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The Great Debate
Modern humans have introduced non-native species (the cow) into our wild lands for ranching and economical reward while removing natural predators. How did these rancher’s cows get ownership of our open spaces?
Our lands are predominately run by wild animal. It’s the magic of nature; the balance of the ecosystem. Wolves strengthen ungulates, feed other animals, imporove reparian areas, and balance the predatory population.
10 Reasons we need wolves
Our Mission & Approach
The Sacred Wolf Foundation desires to protect wild and domestic species by improving habitats in the following ways:
1) Providing acoustic (noise) wolf deterrents to ranch owners in Colorado (and other states where wolves are present)
2) Supporting Range Riders who create a human presence around ranches
3) Acquiring ranch lands and associated BLM leases and replacing domestic animals (cattle and sheep) with more robust ruminants such as bison or elk
4) Fostering a wild wolf “sanctuary” adjacent to a protected wilderness area where wolves can roam freely with limited human or domestic animal presence (such as this location)